Diablo 3 monk build season 13
Diablo 3 monk build season 13

diablo 3 monk build season 13 diablo 3 monk build season 13

  • Ring of Royal Grandeur completes our Patterns of Justice and Captain Crimson's TrimmingsSet Bonuses.
  • Balance gives 600% damage to Tempest Rush and 100% Critical Hit Chance if it hits 3 or less enemies (awesome for killing the Rift Guardian).
  • Cesar's Memento increases damage to enemies that are blinded, stunned or frozen by 800%.
  • Won Khim Lau gives 600% damage and causes Tempest Rush to cast Cyclone Strike.
  • Captain Crimson's Trimmings (3 ) Bonus increases our damage by our Cooldown Reduction percentage and decreases our damage taken by our Resource Cost Reduction percentage.
  • Captain Crimson's Trimmings (2 ) Bonus gives 20% Cooldown Reduction and Resource Cost Reduction.
  • Patterns of Justice (6 ) Bonus increases all damage by 20,000% when you hit enemies with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active.
  • Patterns of Justice (4 ) Bonus gives 50% damage reduction and a tremendous 50 Spirit Regeneration.
  • Patterns of Justice (2 ) Bonus gives every rune for Sweeping Wind and 15% movement speed.
  • Let's dive in and learn what makes it so great!

    diablo 3 monk build season 13

    A combination of smooth gameplay and devastating damage make this build a very fun and competitive one to go with. This is further enhanced by the Flurry stack system allowing for great burst damage. This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Tempest Rush can proc it. In Season 24, PoJ asserts its leadership due to being able to utilize a One-Handed Ethereal Weapon with Flying Dragon legendary power. However, whenever a season theme offers more Kanai's Cube flexibility such as Season 20 or Season 22, Patterns of Justice claims its throne due to its ability to equip Shenlong's Spirit for a massive damage boost. Meanwhile Patterns of Justice is the set designed around Tempest Rush, Monkey King's Garb ( Sunwuko) is unfortunately performing better overall in push. With the introduction of the Patterns of Justice Set and Won Khim Lau in Season 19, Tempest Rush has come into the spotlight once more, this time as a main damaging ability instead of being used as a trigger for Exploding Palm s builds. If you enjoy dragging monsters forward and erasing them with beautiful icy bombs of death, you're in the right place. Welcome to the amazing all-around Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush Monk.

    Diablo 3 monk build season 13